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Energy Management System adalah suatu sitem untuk memanage atau mengatur penggunaan energi dalam suatu pabrik, bangunan ataupun proses industri agar didapatkan pola pemakaian yang lebih efektif dan efisien, tanpa mempengaruhi / mengganggu proses normal sehingga produktivitas dapat meningkat sehingga didapatkan pengurangan biaya teknik, biaya ekonomi dan juga biaya ekologi.
With this WiFi Energy Meter, you can easily track your home's energy use, and lower your electricity bill with Iammeter. It can help you monitor and analyze your energy consumption in real-time, and save your electricity bills.
Integra Automa Solusi is a dedicated Energy Monitoring System developed by us, to which you can connect your own Modbus energy meter and then start to monitor the electricity usage for your household electricity system, or commercial electricity system, or industrial electricity system or solar system.